To order orchids email me your selections at Upon receiving your order I will email you a Paypal invoice. All orders incur a $20 priority mail shipping charge and the sales tax in your locality. There is a minimum order of 5, 1 or 2 year old seedlings or 2 mature plants. For people who don't have a paypal account I will accept a postal money order or a check. My address is: Nevin Aspinwall, 456 West Court Loop NE,, Ocean Shores WA, 98569. For inquiries you can call me at 314-488-5078.
Plants are arranged in alphabetical order by Genus.
Calanthe reflexa
This is a beautiful evergreen species native to Japan. It possesses several elongated pleated leaves emerging from a pseudobulb. It is hardy to zones 7-9 although I maintained it in St. Louis which is in zone 5 (hot as hell in summer and can be below 0 F in winter). In its native habitat it grows in wet woods, on seepage slopes, and along streams. In cultivation a humus rich well-drained soil is recommended. Unlike other Calanthes it blooms in August rather than in the Spring. Legally imported from Japan with CITES documentation @$35.
Calanthe sieboldii
Photo courtesy of Shikoku Gardens
Calanthe sieboldii is a species of Calanthe native to the mountains of Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. It is hardy to zones 7-9. It does require a winter cooling period of several months. Likes well drained by water retentive soil. Legally imported from Japan with CITES documentation. Adult plants @ $35.
Calanthe tricarinata- three keeled Calanthe
This is another one of the beautiful Calanthe orchids distributed from Japan, Korea, China, and India. It is a spring flowering orchid with spikes 15 inches tall. The foliage is evergreen unless the temperature drops below 10F. It is a woodland species which in cultivation likes moist well-drained soil. Imported legally from Japan with CITES documentation. Mature flowering individuals @$45.
Calopogon tuberosus - Common Grass Pink
The grass pink is one of several closely related species. It is widely distributed in the eastern half of the United States ranging from as far west as Texas, as far north as Maine, and as far south as the Florida everglades. It is also found in Canada, the Bahamas, and Cuba. The grass pink typically inhabits wet habitats whether they be acidic bogs or alkaline fens. This plant almost requires bog conditions for successful growing. I grow this species in a mixture of fine ocean beach sand and peat moss. Grows to about 30 cm in height. Does best in full sun. This is a great bog plant that multiplies by offset corms. Possesses numerous flowers on the inflorescence. Flowers from April to June depending on geographic location. One inch or more sized tubers which should bloom next year @$15.
Cypripedium acaule- Pink ladyshipper (No photo available)
This is the most common ladyslipper of the pine forests in the Eastern United States. Unfortunately, they are often dug by gardeners for their home gardens. This orchid requires very acidic soil if you want to maintain it for long. This trait can be accommodated if you add 1 tablespoon or more of common vinegar to 1 gallon of water. Easy to propagate from seed and will be available in the future as seedlings. Not available this season.
Cypripedium candidum - Small white ladyslipper
Yellow form of the small white ladyslipper
White flowered form of the small white ladyslipper
The small white ladyslipper is one of the smaller slipper orchids in North America. It is typically found in open areas with bright sun. In Missouri where I have seen this species it is found in calcareous soils sometimes with considerable soil moisture. Shown above are the typical white flowered form and a yellowish flowered form thought to have introgressed genes from the small yellow ladyslipper, Cypripedium parviflorum. Not available this year.
Cypripedium debile - Dwarf Cypripedium
Cypripedium debile is a dwarf herbaceous perennial orchid of moist woodlands. It is the smallest species of Cypripedium.possessing two small nearly heart shaped leaves sitting atop a short stem that is between 4-8 cm. In nature these can form scattered yet extensive colonies. The roots are few and short, reportedly growing between layers of leaf humus. This species should be grown in a more organic mix, say 50% leaf mold from deciduous trees and 50% perlite. I grew this species for one season and it did great- most plants bloomed. The only problem is that it sold out quickly.This species is known from Japan, Taiwan, and China. The plants offered are adult plants legally imported from Japan with a CITES documentation. Not available this season.
Cypripedium californicum- California Ladyslipper
The California ladyslipper is a narrow endemic restricted to the Siskiyou Mountains of southwestern Oregon and Northwestern California. It is found in wet meadows and near streams. It is often associated with the pitcher plant Darlingtonia californicum in wet meadows in full sun. The plant grows to about 60 cm. The inflorescence is tall possessing up to 10-12 flowers which is unusual in the genus Cypripedium. This species propagates easily from seed but in Ocean Shores it grows slowly probably because the summers are too cool (65 F most days). In its native habitat in the Siskiyou Mountains of Oregon daytime temperaturs often get into the the 90s. In culture requires wet or moist soil. Bare root seedling available this year @$9. In short supply. Have planted new seed this Fall with bareroot seedlings available in Spring of 2025.
Cypripedium formosanum- Taiwan Lady Slipper
Cypripedium formosanum is an orchid restricted to the central mountains of Taiwan at an elevation of 2,000-3000 meters. Although Taiwan straddles the Tropic of Cancer and should be tropical in nature, this plant is really a temperate plant because it grows at higher elevations where it is cooler. This is a distinctive Cypripedium because of its two fan-shaped pleated leaves. This species can form large colonies if grown under the proper conditions. Reproduces asexually by underground rhizomes. I imported 25 plants from Japan several year ago. This year I had 150 flowering stems. Grows best in raised beds rather than pots in hot climates apparently because the roots stay cooler. Can tolerate pretty warm summer conditions unlike most asian cypripediums. Likes bright shade. This is probably the easist Cypripedium to grow. I have 1 two-year old seedling @$10. Mature plants imported legally with CITES documentation from Japan @$75. (You can purchase the same plant from Plants Delight for $100).
Cypripedium franchetii
Cypripedium franchetii is a beautiful orchid native to wide areas of China found in humus rich well drained soil. Not available this year.
Cypripedium henryi
Cypripedium henryi is native to China where it lives in damp humus-rich soils. It is one of those cypripediums which is multi-flowered typically having 2 or 3 flowers. Not available this year.
Cypripedium kentuckiense- Kentucky Ladyslipper
Maroon petaled form with ivory lip- Form from Arkansas
A single plant of Kentuckiense with 17 flowers - Form from Kentucky
Bright Yellow Flowered Kentuckiense- Introgressed plant with Cyp. pubescens
Cypripedium parviflorum - Variety makasin
Cypripedium parviflorum variety makasin is a widely distributed ladyslipper found throughout Canada and the United States. In the United States it is distributed in the northern states of New England, the Great Lake states, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and at higher elevations in the southern Appalachian Mountains south to North Carolina. There appears to be some confusion about this form. The stereotypic form is characterized by dark brown sepals as illustrated above. This variety is found in a variety of wet habitats including fens, swampy forests, and wet prairies. Bare root seedlings of this variety will be available in the Spring of 2026.
Cypripedium pubescens- greater yellow ladyslipper
Like the lesser yellow ladyslipper, the greater yellow ladyslipper has a wide distribution throughout the United States and Canada. The two species differ primarily, as their common names imply, in the size of the flower. In Missouri, the greater ladyslipper is found on slopes above valley floors in oak hickory forests. They are rarely found on the valley floors. One year old seedlings with a dormant bud from Minnesota stocks @$9.
Cypripedium reginae- Showy ladyslipper
The showy or queen's ladyslipper is a cypripedium primarily of the northern states from Minnesota to Maine and eastern Canada. It prefers wet habitats with calcareous soils (basic pH). In Minnesota it is widely distributed in many wet habitats and can tolerate full sun. However, in the southern part of its range in Missouri it is restricted to calcareous fens in shaded valleys only receiving full sun part of the day. Grows to 70 cm and typically possesses a single inflorescence. While very easy to propagate from seed. Probably need to insure adequate soil moisture and mild summer temperatures to increase seedling survival. Recommended only for cooler summer climates. Being native to Minnesota the showy ladyslipper can tolerate very cold winters. Bare root seedlings @$7,One year old seedlings with dormant bud @$9, two-year old seedlings with dormant buds @$10.
Cypripedium reginae alba (The Albino form)
This is the albino form of the showy ladyslipper, Cypripedium reginae. This form produces viable seeds which are relatively easy to germinate and the resulting plants are vigorous. Bare root seedlings available in the Spring of 2026.
Cypripedium ventricosum
Color Variation in Cypripedium ventricosum
Cypripedium ventricosum is a naturally occurring hybrid between Cypripedium calceolus and Cypripedium macranthos. Wherever these two species occur Cypripedium ventricosum is found. This natural hybrid is found from Russia across northern Asia to Sakhalin Island. As might be expected of a hybrid there is considerable variability in flower color as is illustrated in the photos above. In my collection of this species I have ones with pink sepals and pink lips, pure white flowers, pure yellow flowers, and ones with reddish sepals and pink lips. I don't have experience with whether the various color forms breed true. Not available this year.
Eleorchis japonica- pink form
photo courtesy of Shikoku Gardens
Eleorchis japonica is native to Russia, the southern Kuril Islands, and Japan where it is found in sphagnum bogs. It is a small orchid with the stem resembling a blade of grass but with an attractive white or pink flower. Stems sprout from a bulb which reproduces vegetatively each year as new bulblets. Blooms in May. Can tolerate full sun. It is very hardy down to at least Zone 5 perhaps colder. This species would probably do well in a variety of moist media. Sold out.
Epipactis gigantea- stream orchid
Green leaved form of the Stream Orchid
The stream orchid is distributed in western North America from British Columbia to central Mexico. It is a large plant up to 1 meter in height and is typically associated with water, ie it is typically found alongside streams and rivers where it often seeks shelter under streamside bushes. Adult plants from divisions of rhizomes. Thses rhizomes already have their dormmant buds. Vernalize in the frig. or plant out in garden. @$25.
Epipactis gigantea- Stream Orchid- Serpentine Night Variety
Red leaved form of the stream orchid
Purpled leaved form of the stream orchid = Serpentine Night
This is a variety of the stream orchid which possess purple leaves. It is found in Northern California. Like the typical variety it reproduces very well by underground rhizomes. These rhizomes already have their dormant buds for next year. Vernalize over winter in frig or else plant out in garden. Mature plants @$25.
Epipactis royleana
Epipactis royleana is similar in appearance to Epipactis gigantea from the western United States. It is found in China, Nepal, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and India. This is a moderate sized plant ranging in height from 32 to 45 cm. It bears around 15 flowers on a tall inflorescence. In its native habitat it is found on grassy slopes often near damp places next to rivers and streams. Prefers partial shade. The flowers are a very attractive reddish/pinkish. I have not had success germinating the seed of this species but it spreads rapidly by underground rhizomes. Very hardy as one would expect of a plant from the Himalaya Mountains.Not available this year.
Platanthera blephariglottis- White Fringed Orchid
The white fringed orchid is found from Michigan to Newfoundland south to Georgia. It's habitat is wet meadows, roadside ditches, and seeps. It blooms in the Fall beginning in August. I have propagated this species from seed keeping the replated protocorms in sterile media in pint jars for over two years. In the Spring of 2023 I deflasked the seedlings as I could see that a dormant bud had developed. Earlier this year I offered these seedlings on this websiteb but no takers. So, I planted out these seedlings in a dirty sand mix. To my surprise they formed stems containing buds. They have now flowered. Will attempt to produce seedlings in the future.
Pogonia ophioglossoides- Rose Pogonia
The rose pogonia orchid is distributed in the eastern halves of the United States and Canada. In concordance with its distribution this orchid is fully hardy. The habitat of this orchid is sphagnum bogs and alkaline fens. It can tolerate a range of pHs as evidenced by being found both in acid bogs and alkaline fens. This is a small plant no taller than about 20 cm. Typically, a single flower per stem flowers during May. Individuals purchasing this plant should realize its absolute requirement for a wet environment. I have personally failed twice to maintian this species because I didn't provide adequate water. Grows nicely potted in living sphagnum if you can maintain the water level. I have had no success in germinating the mature seed of this species. Fortunately, it propagates vegetatively by underground rhizomes. In one summer, the underground rhizomes of this species grew almost the length of a 8-foot long bog. Very aggressive. Presently out of stock.